CPP Disability & Denied Long-Term Disability Claims

Disability benefits in Canada can come from various sources, both private and public (and when dealing with public benefits there are different sources at the Federal and Provincial levels). That being said, the primary source for disability benefits for most people dealing with disabilities in Canada comes from the Canada Continue reading

Can My Long-Term Disability Claim Be Denied for Pre-Existing Conditions?

Navigating the complexities of long-term disability insurance can be daunting, especially when pre-existing conditions come into play. This blog aims to unravel the intricacies of how pre-existing conditions can influence the approval or denial of LTD claims.

What is a Pre-Existing Condition?

A pre-existing condition (often called a “pre-ex” or … Continue reading

Long-Term Disability Denial Claims for Postal Workers

Most people know that postal workers will get their job done, “through rain, or sleet, or snow,” but unfortunately sometimes medical injuries or conditions render postal workers unable to perform the duties of their employment. When this happens, postal workers can go on short-term or long-term disability. Often these long-term … Continue reading

Social Media & Long-Term Disability Claims

In today’s digital world social media has become a daily part of our lives, allowing people of all ages to share all aspects of their lives with their friends, family, and the general public with a click of a button. Many people make social media posts thinking that nothing hinges … Continue reading